Frenz are foreva!


Hiees! We are the MPA!
Consisting of:
Right now we are studying in Fuhua Primary
soon will be leaving Fuhua to new sec schools...
But we will be...

*$Munny$(We're munnyfaces!)
*Excellent Marks!
*'Clever' potion!
*Posted to IP Sec Schools!




September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008


(RL Screams)
Ice creams, Puddings, Cakes!!!!
(HX Hollers Back)
Nonono, Chuppa chupps and Cookies!!!!
(RL Screams again)
Chocolates and sweets!!!!
(WL Calls out)
GUYS!....Jelly beans, Dark Choco and Nerds!!! (Amanda hollers)
Twilight! Harry Potter, sis! <3


Rui Lin

Create your own Friend Test here
Hui Xin
Create your own Friend Test here
Create your own Friend Test here
Monday, December 29, 2008
9:59 PM

This is photos of Wan Lin's party! Year -end one larhs!
Guests: Jeng Yu
Kai Yun
Shi Ying
Rui Lin
Wei Na
Shi Sien

Wan Lin and Rui Lin!!

Wei Na!

Wan Lin's guests! (Except me who went home early)

Rui Lin!

Besties forever.
1:00 AM

Helloooo guys?! What have you all been up to? The last post before this was on 10 of November!! Ai-yo... RL you miss KY? I bet you do. Like super badly. I think HC misses HX too! We're all gonna move on to new schools liao should make more effort in keeping in touch. My year-end party was a BLAST! Man. Wish i can throw another one again. It was Tooooooooooooooooooo Much fun! Fun with a capital F. Fabtabulous!!! Tote Fab. ok enough on my party. I'll be sending some pics to you guys. Watch out for them. Miss you guys mucho. Keep in touch kay? We'll forever be Besties!!! Post soon!

Besties forever.
7:12 PM

Hullos. Amanda here.
This is SO boring sia. And is the font meant to be italic always? that is like, so... well don't know lars. But tomorrow going to the water thingy. Yay! KeYing coming tomorrow I hope.
Loves, Amanda

Besties forever.
9:43 PM

Heyys, y all my besties fail my true friend test one...
WL got 33%...HX at first got 0% 1 lor.............
Shows that u all dun know me well...

To HX: After so many years of friendship...haiz...
To WL: Why fail until so badly?

Aiyo...I wonder who is my real true friend...
( or is my test too difficult?)=P

-Rui Lin-

Besties forever.
8:34 PM

Hiyo guys, how's life? So sad u all nvr online, cannot hve a 5 ppl conversation. I only can chat wif RL... @ night also cannot play, so cannot chat wif WL...
So many problems...
Then Mandy computer break down...
Wei Na also cannot...
So sian.

Hui Xin

Besties forever.
3:18 AM

Thanks Rui Lin 4 the pink bear bear! Wah very cute. And thanks 4 posting the JJ Lin song! Yay thank u thank u thank u for playing along!!!!
Oi, y u all dun wanna blog here? Hmph.And Wan Lin Mandy Wei Na u all get a tagboard leh! And if u r reading this, can u make a fren test? (Dun make so difficult like: Wad tissue do I bring?") Juz scroll down down down....
and u see RL's and my tests. u click underneath "Create A New Test" and done!! But must create account first. Then juz chuck the link sumwhere inside the places left 4 u all. THANKS! :)
And I fared so badly @ RL's test. See tat 66%? O man, so sad......

Hui Xin

Besties forever.
9:43 PM

Heyys guys, how's school? Can imagine you all screaming ,"Shuddup, u, dun rub it in!!" Haas! Anywayz, tell u guys, my sis introduced a band to me!!!
DBSK! stands for "dong bang shen ki", means "Rising gods of the east."
Anyway, thou I dun understand an ounce of wad they r singing, but it's very nice leh! My sis says of all countries, Koreans dancers r the best. U'll agree wif us if u watch Mirotic!! Which is the one under this post. Okay, I admit, their clothes very disgusting. But then still hve "Balloons"! They all dress up as tiger or wadeva. But their singing is still very very nice. RL will agree cos' she says she likes one of them. Oops, I can say rite? Heh heh.
Anyway you all must, must must must must go watch!!

Hui Xin